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High-level Kurdistan Parliament delegation visit France’s Consulate General

A high-level cross-party Kurdistan Parliament delegation, led by Deputy Speaker Hemin Hawrami, on 28 October visited France’s Consulate General in Erbil and met with the Consul General Olivier Decottignies.

The Kurdistan Parliament MPs and Consul General Decottignies discussed the historic friendship between Kurdistan Region and France. Deputy Speaker Hawrami said that there was a great history of support for Kurdistan Region by the leaders, government and people of France during difficult times.

MPs from the KDP, PUK, Gorran Movement, Communist, National Union Coalition (Christian), and Turkmen Development parties were in the delegation. They thanked France for their historic friendship and hoped for closer ties with France.

Consul General Decottignies thanked the Members of the Kurdistan Parliament for their visit and equally focused on strengthening relations between the people of France and Kurdistan Region.

After the meeting, Deputy Speaker Hawrami spoke to the media on behalf of Parliament’s Presidency and the diverse ethnic and religious communities represented in Parliament.

He said, “Parliament’s official position, to its Internal Rules of Procedure, is decided by Parliament’s Presidency, and in Kurdistan we are proud that a Muslim majority and a diversity of religions co-exist and live alongside each other peacefully. We reject all forms of violence and intolerance and emphasize the long-term, wide-ranging relationship between France and the Kurdistan Region.”