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Parliament’s Committee on Kurdistani Areas welcome Shengal Agreement, call for proper implementation

Kurdistan Parliament’s Committee on Kurdistani Areas outside the KRG Administrative Area on 10 October made the following statement regarding the agreement between the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) and the Iraqi Federal Government on normalizing the situation in Shengal (Sinjar):

We welcome the agreement between the KRG and the Iraqi Federal Government on Shengal, and we hope that it will be a first step towards normalizing the situation in all the Kurdistani areas and implementing Article 140 of the Constitution.

We have prepared a special report on the conditions in the Kurdistani areas, we proposed holding a sitting in the Kurdistan Parliament, and we closely monitored the negotiation process. We thank Kurdistan Region’s negotiating team, which has worked tirelessly to reach an understanding with Baghdad. We as the committee will closely monitor the implementation of the agreement.

The provisions of this agreement will create a unified administration to overcome the security and other obstacles that exist in those areas.

The Yazidi community have begun to return to Shengal, and we commend them. We hope that this agreement will bring a measure of solace and alleviate the suffering of Yazidis after the crimes committed against them by ISIS terrorists.

We commend the Iraqi Federal Government for this agreement, and call on it to adhere to the terms and to fulfill its responsibility to compensate for the material and moral damages suffered by the people.

Committee on Kurdistani Areas outside KRG Administrative Area

10 October 2020