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Speaker Faiq on Prophet Muhammad’s birthday: “I hope this occasion will deepen spirit of tolerance and coexistence among all religions”

Kurdistan Parliament Speaker Dr. Rewaz Faiq on 29 October conveyed the following message to Muslims on Mawlood, the Prophet Muhammad’s birthday:

On the commemoration of the birth of the Prophet of Muslims, we give our best wishes to the Muslims of Kurdistan, Iraq and all over the world.

We hope that this occasion is an opportunity to deepen the spirit of forgiveness and peaceful coexistence between Muslims and other religions and to end extremism, sectarianism, conflict, and defamation.

I hope that this blessed occasion will be a launching pad for peace, harmony, and salvation from the Coronavirus in Kurdistan and around the world. We ask God to have mercy on humanity.

This commemoration is not only a special day for Muslims, it must also be a time to end oppression, to embody the values of justice, forgiveness and peaceful coexistence, mutual acceptance and a rejection of libel, slander, extremism, hate and disrespect for each other's sacred beliefs and disrespect of the leader of the Muslims, the Great Prophet (PBUH).

May God protect humanity, Kurdistan, and citizens from suffering and bring peace and security to all.

Dr. Rewaz Faiq

Speaker of Kurdistan Parliament