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Committees’ recent meetings – 24 September 2020

A summary of Kurdistan Parliament's committees' recent meetings and activities:

Committee on Protection of Women’s Rights

20 September – To look into the recent killing of two young women in Chamchamal, a subcommittee visited and met with the town’s Mayor.

The Mayor of Chamchamal detailed how the murder appears to have been committed and the due legal process that is being followed. The committee asked the mayor for more information about the case and called for every effort to be made to find and arrest the perpetrator.

The MPs then visited Chamchamal's Office for Combating Violence against Women and met with the public prosecutor. The MPs stressed that they are closely monitoring the case on behalf of the public, and that the perpetrator must face justice in court.

22 September - The committee, led by the chair Lanja Dizayee (KDP), held their usual meeting. They discussed the role and responsibilities of MPs regarding women’s rights, legislation to protect and empower women, and ensuring women have the opportunity to be in positions of leadership.

The committee also discussed how to review and amend existing legislation, pass new laws that are needed, as well as Parliament’s monitoring and scrutiny role.

Education, Higher Education and Scientific Research Committee

21 September - A sub-committee visited the KRG Ministry of Education and met with Education Minister Dr. Alan Hama Saeed and his team.

The MPs asked Minister Hama Saeed to resolve the problem of students’ grades. The Minister pledged to follow up the committee’s request.

The committee and the Ministry officials also discussed preparations to begin this academic year in the midst of the Coronavirus pandemic, and the needs and demands of teachers.

Finance and Economic Affairs Committee

21 September – the committee, led by the chair Ziyad Jabbar (PUK), met to prepare their report on the Bill on the Sale and Lease of Public Assets in Kurdistan Region - Iraq. The members and the committees’ advisers each give their suggestions on the bill.

Martyrs’ Affairs, Genocide and Political Prisoners Committee

23 September – the committee, led by the chair Sawsan Hassan Mirkhan (KDP), at their regular meeting discussed looking into the problems facing students from martyrs' families at Soran University. They also discussed the findings of their meetings in Duhok.

A subcommittee that visited Duhok General Directorate of Martyrs and Anfal Victims presented their report, including their findings about the implementation of the Reform Law’s provisions on martyrs’ families, and the problems with martyrs’ monuments in Duhok.

Students from martyrs’ families who study at Soran University have complained about not being permitted to sit oral exams for Masters degrees. The committee decided to visit Soran University to hear more about the issue.

The committee decided to hold a special meeting on draft legislation on reparations for victims of genocide.

Energy, Natural Resources, Commerce and Industry Committee

22 September - the Committee, led by the chair Ali Hama Salih (Gorran), held their usual meeting.

The MPs prepared their report on the Bill on the Import and Sale of Oil Products in Kurdistan Region – Iraq.

The committee has written to the Kurdistan Oil and Gas High Council to demand that heating oil be distributed to the public before winter. The official letter was sent through Parliament’s Presidency. Chair Hama Salih said that the Iraqi Federal Government currently sends 50 million litres of heating oil, but the Kurdistan Region needs 250 million litres.

Relations and Kurdish Diaspora Committee

22 September - the Committee, led by the chair Dr. Rebwar Babkayi (KDP), held their usual meeting. The committee decided to meet with the KRG Department of Foreign Relations (DFR) and to arrange video meetings with the KRG Representations abroad, to scrutinize their work, responsibilities and challenges.

The MPs decided to meet again to continue working on the Bill on the Kurdish Diaspora and submit it to Parliament’s Presidency and the relevant Parliament committees for further work.

The committee replied to the requests, notes and complaints sent to them and directed some to the relevant authorities for responses and follow-up.

Endowments and Religious Affairs Committee

22 September - the Committee, led by the vice-chair Mala Ihsan Rekani (KDP), visited the KRG Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research and met with Deputy Minister Dr. Abdul Fattah Abdul Razaq and other ministry staff.

The committee raised complaints that Islamic Studies students cannot enroll at universities or institutes, and asked the ministry to find an appropriate solution. They also asked that religious studies teachers be given more opportunities in higher education, and both sides agreed that it is crucial to continue promoting moderate thought in Kurdistan Region’s Religious Studies schools.