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Deputy Speaker Hawrami bids farewell to Jordan's Consul General Haitham Abu Alfoul

Kurdistan Parliament Deputy Speaker Hemin Hawrami on 8 September met with Jordan's outgoing Consul General, Dr. Haitham Abu Alfoul, and thanked him for his contribution to strengthening Jordan's relations with Kurdistan Region.

Deputy Speaker Hawrami commended Consul General Abu Alfoul for his positive role and wished him success in his future diplomatic postings. He said that the people of Jordan are the true friends of the Kurdistani people, and that Kurdistan is proud of the long-standing relationship which he hopes will go from strength to strength.

The Deputy Speaker gave Sr. Abu Alfoul an overview of the current political, health and economic situation in Kurdistan Region, and the state of negotiations with Baghdad.

Consul General Abu Alfoul said, "Jordan has always been a friend of the people of Kurdistan and we will continue to strengthen our relationship."