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Deputy Speaker Hawrami conveys best wishes to Kurdistan Islamic Scholars Union on 50th anniversary

Kurdistan Parliament Deputy Speaker Hemin Hawrami on 20 September sent this congratulatory message to the Kurdistan Islamic Scholars Union on their golden jubilee:

Dear Head of the Union of Islamic Scholars of Kurdistan, members of the executive school and all Islamic religious studies teachers,

On the Golden Jubilee of the Kurdistan Islamic Scholars Union, established in the liberated areas of Kurdistan under the command of the late Mullah Mustafa Barzani, the leader of the Kurdistan Liberation Movement, I congratulate you warmly, and I hope that you will continue to be leaders in promoting the ideals of tolerance and patriotism.

Kurdistan's Islamic scholars have always been at the forefront of our national struggle, and while teaching and studying religious principles, they have been ready to defend our country. In Kurdistan, with the support of prominent scholars, the culture of forgiveness and coexistence has always been of great importance.

I congratulate you again, and wish you continued success.

Hemen Hawrami

Deputy Speaker of the Kurdistan Parliament

20 September 2020