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Deputy Speaker Hawrami meets with Deputy Governor of Mosul Sirwan Rozhbayani

Kurdistan Parliament Deputy Speaker Hemin Hawrami on 14 September welcomed the Deputy Governor of Mosul, Sirwan Rozhbayani. They discussed the threats to civilians from ISIS and the need to rebuild the town of Shengal so that civilians can return to their homes and lands. 

The chair and members of Parliament's Committee on Kurdistani Areas outside the KRG Administrative Area also participated in the meeting. 

Deputy Speaker Hawrami, Deputy Governor Rozhbayani and the MPs discussed the current situation in the Kurdistani areas in Mosul province and on its borders, the threats to civilians from ISIS, the scale and progress of reconstruction of the town of Shengal (Sinjar in Arabic), and the security risks in and around Shengal.

Deputy Speaker Hawrami said,"The situation in Shengal and surrounding areas must be normalised, and no militia or force should be allowed to prevent Shengal's reconstruction. So that civilians can return to their homes and lands in the area, the Iraqi Federal Government must fulfill its responsibilities and act, and must compensate civilians who have suffered losses."