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Deputy Speaker Hawrami welcomes new US Consul General Rob Waller

Kurdistan Parliament Deputy Speaker Hemin Hawrami on 17 August welcomed Rob Waller, the new United States Consul General to Kurdistan Region and his delegation.

Several MPs of the Kurdistan Parliament also participated in the meeting. On behalf of Parliament, Deputy Speaker Hawrami congratulated Mr. Waller on his new posting to Kurdistan Region.

Deputy Speaker Hawrami and Consul General Waller discussed the current state of the Coronavirus outbreak and its economic impact, relations between the Kurdistan Region and Iraq, ISIS’s movements and activities, and the KRG’s reform program.

Mr. Hawrami said, “The Kurdistan Regional Government has explained clearly its agenda of comprehensive reform of all sectors, particularly reform of administration and finance. To achieve these aims, the Kurdistan Parliament will co-ordinate with and support the Kurdistan Regional Government.”

"The Kurdistan Parliament supports the steps taken by the Kurdistan Regional Government to solve the problems between Erbil and Baghdad according to the Iraqi Constitution," the Deputy Speaker said.

Consul General Waller emphasized the strong relationship between the Kurdistan Region and the US.

They discussed ISIS’s recent movements and the economic impact worldwide of the Coronavirus pandemic.

They also discussed strengthening relations between their two countries, especially between the Kurdistan Parliament and the US Congress.