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Parliament publishes status update on legislative proposals made in 2019

The Kurdistan Parliament publishes a status update on the legislative proposals and draft resolutions that were proposed in 2019, which was the first year of Kurdistan Parliament’s current fifth term. Two of the data lists are available in English, the others are in Kurdish.

The information covers: Legislation that was passed; legislative proposals that were rejected by the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) or by Parliament’s relevant standing committee; are already covered by existing laws; have been directed to the KRG which has not yet given an answer; have not yet had their first reading in Parliament; are proposals to use an Iraqi federal law which should be turned into a Kurdistan Region bill or which ostensibly has shortcomings; or are currently undergoing the legislative process in Parliament (the bill drafting and reviewing stages).     

Legislative proposals and draft resolutions made in 2019 (the first and second sessions of the first year of Kurdistan Parliament’s fifth term)

Total: 65

Passed: 10

Rejected by the government or by Parliament’s standing committees: 12

Covered by laws and resolutions that have already been passed: 5

Proposals that affect the finances of Kurdistan Region or require restructuring of departments, and the government has not yet supported them: 21

Not yet had their first reading: 10

At the standing committee stage, committees are working on them: 7


- Of the total 65 legislative proposals, MPs have 38 left to work on.

- 17 legislative proposals are with the Legislative Committee and relevant standing committees.

- 10 are with the Legislative Committee and a decision must be made on holding their first reading, according to the criteria for bills set out in Article 79 of Parliament’s Internal Rules of Procedure.

- 7 have had their first reading, and the relevant standing committee should have prepared their report for the bills’ second readings months ago, but have not yet done so.

Number of duplicate legislative proposals that need to be resolved or consolidated

‌Government employment for highest attaining graduates – 2

Amendments to Kurdistan Region Presidency Law (Law no. 1 of 2005) – 2

Amendments to Investment Law (Law no. 4 of 2006) – 2

Protection of teachers and education leaders – 2

Repayment of financial dues to government employees from salary cuts – 3

Protection of domestic products – 2

General demands – 2

Health insurance – 2

Provision of student loans and grants – 3

Provision of home and marriage loans - 3

Detailed data in Kurdish – please click on the PDF links below:

Legislative proposals and draft resolutions made in the first and second sessions of the first year of Kurdistan Parliament’s fifth term (2019)

First year (2019) legislative proposals that are already covered by existing laws or resolutions

Legislation passed in the first year (2019) of the fifth term of Kurdistan Parliament

First year (2019) legislative proposals that were rejected by the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) or by Parliament’s relevant standing committee

First year (2019) legislative proposals that have been directed to the KRG and have not yet received an answer

Proposals made in the first year (2019) to use an Iraqi federal law which should be turned into a Kurdistan Region bill or which ostensibly has shortcomings

First year (2019) proposals that are currently in the lawmaking process (bill drafting, reviewing, reading, etc).