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Speaker Dr. Rewaz Faiq welcomes US Ambassador Matthew Tueller

Kurdistan Parliament Speaker Dr. Rewaz Faiq on15 September welcomed the US Ambassador to Iraq, Matthew Tueller. They discussed Erbil-Baghdad talks, the reform process, Kurdistan-US relations and coordination against ISIS. 

Ambassador Tueller was accompanied by Mr. Rob Waller, the US Consul General in Kurdistan Region. 

Speaker Faiq said, "We believe that our best option is to reach an agreement with the Iraqi Federal Government. The Kurdistan Parliament is in favor of the negotiations and agreements between Erbil and Baghdad."

On the reform process, Speaker Faiq said, “Not only Government expenditure but also Government income need reform. Parliament has obtained good information about customs at the border gates, so Parliament’s Finance and Economic Affairs Committee is scrutinizing the customs gates and we look forward to their report on their findings. We are also looking at the KRG’s implementation of the provisions of the Reform Law.”

Regarding demonstrators, the Speaker said, “We have received many demands and complaints about the detention of those who wanted to demonstrate, and Parliament has formed special committees to look into and report their findings on the detentions.”

Ambassador Tueller said that Dr. Faiq was a role model for women in leadership positions and wished her continued success in her duties.

Speaker Faiq thanked the US for supporting Kurdistan at every stage especially in the war against ISIS, and asked that coordination and assistance from the US and international community continue.