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Speaker Faiq meets with Yazidi women and girls who had been abducted by ISIS

Kurdistan Parliament Speaker Dr. Rewas Faiq on 13 September met with women and girls who had been abducted by ISIS terrorists.

The meeting was organized in cooperation with the International Peshmerga Organization for Humanitarian Work. The meeting focused on the crimes against humanity committed against Yazidis by ISIS in and around Shengal.

Speaker Faiq said, "We all share and feel the pain and suffering of the Yazidi Kurds. Although the Iraqi Government is legally responsible for reparations and reconstruction related to the Genocide of the Yazidis, we in the Kurdistan Parliament still consider ourselves responsible and we will continue to raise awareness of the crimes you suffered among relevant parties and institutions. The KRG must also do all it can for women, girls and children who were abducted by ISIS."

Shamey, who spoke on behalf of the Yazidi participants, described their continued hardship and their practical needs.