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Committees' recent meetings - 21 April 2021

Education, Higher Education and Scientific Research Committee

14 April – The committee, led by the chair Abdusalam Dolamari (KDP), began with a minute's silence in remembrance of the victims of the Anfal genocide.

They discussed preparing their report on the Law on Private Universities in Kurdistan Region. After exchanging views, the MPs decided to visit private universities soon to get their input and suggestions regarding the report.

The committee also talked about online education arranged by the KRG Ministry of Education, and combined online and on site education at universities and higher and further education institutes.

All the letters and requests sent to the committee were read and directed to the relevant parties for follow-up.

Municipalities, Transport, Communication, Transport and Tourism Committee

14 April – The committee, led by the chair Luqman Wardi (PUK), discussed several bills that they are working on.

The Bill on Conservation of Water Sources and Wastewater, on which MPs at its second reading at a sitting made many suggestions for revising the draft, was reviewed and the suggestions included. The committee decided to prepare the final draft of the report together with the Legislative Committee so that the bill’s third reading can be held soon and the bill put to vote.

The MPs also talked about the proposal for a tourism bill and the committee hopes that it will have its first reading soon.

The committee prepared their final report on the Bill on First Amendments to the Law on Ownership of Illegally Used and Taken Land in Municipalities in Kurdistan Region’s Municipalities (Law No. 3 of 2019) and sent it to Parliament’s Presidency to schedule it for its first reading at a sitting.

Legislative Committee

14 April – The committee, led by the vice-chair Abbas Fatah (PUK), discussed several bills that they are preparing for their first readings, as well as the draft Resolution on Kurdish Journalism Day for its second reading. The committee sent two reports to Parliament’s Presidency.

Culture, Civil Society, Sports and Youth Committee

19 April - The committee, led by the chair Salma Fatih (PUK), visited the Ministry of Culture and Youth and met with the Minister, Mohammad Said Ali.

The organisation of media in TV channels and Kurdistan Region in general were discussed, the MPs insisted on the process of organizing media and they said that they are against the stoppage of channels broadcasting, but think it is necessary to take other measures for channels that breach regulations.    

They also focused on the importance of protecting journalistic freedom so that the the media should freely and responsibly play their role in developing society and presenting diverse opinions.  

The committee asked for a review of the instructions that the Ministry issued in 2014 so that channels are regulated without restricting their freedom or closing their broadcasts, and do not conflict with the Press Law (Law No.35. of 2007).

Both sides agreed that media outlets should act responsibly, the topics and programs should be compatible with society’s traditions and should not disrespect the different religions in Kurdistan region.

They hoped for more cooperation in future.

Reconstruction and Investment Committee

19 March - The committee, led by the chair Hawre Mala Star (PUK), held their regular meeting.

The MPs discussed the Investment Law in Kurdistan Region and the lack of supervision of investment projects, it was decided to establish a subcommittee to visit the Investment Board to discuss the gaps and problems with the law. 

Discussions were held on monitoring investment projects where investors were given land, and the MPs agreed that these investments should be monitored more accurately. They decided to meet with Parliament’s Municipalities, Transport, Communication, Travel and Tourism Committee to decide on it.

The committee reviewed the letters and requests sent by the public and responded to them.