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Committees’ recent meetings – 25 April 2021

A summary of Kurdistan Parliament’s committees’ recent meetings and activities:

Relations and Kurdish Diaspora Committee

22 April – The committee, led by the chair Dr. Rebwar Babkayi (KDP), visited China’s Consul General Mr. Ni-Ruchi at the Consulate General.

The committee thanked the Government of China and the Consulate General for providing Coronavirus vaccines to the Kurdistan Region.

The meeting also discussed developing relations between the Kurdistan Parliament and China’s National People’s Congress, places for Kurdistani students at Chinese universities, commerce and the role of the companies in the reconstruction of Kurdistan.

Consul General Ni-Ruchi thanked the committee for their visited and hoped that once the health situation allows the committee can visit China’s National People’s Congress.

Agriculture and Irrigation Committee

21 April - The committee, led by chair Abdulsatar Majeed Qadir (KIG), met with the veterinary workers group and the veterinarians syndicate to help resolve their disagreements.

The meeting was attended by a representative of the Kurdistan Regional Government's Ministry of Agriculture and Water Resources, who listened carefully to the problems and suggestions of both sides.

The committee asked the groups to provide their latest report on their problems so that the MPs can make a decision on them.

Social Affairs and Protection of Human Rights Committee

21 April - The committee, led by chair Romeo Hakari (National Union Coalition), welcomed Salah Sadiq, Director of the Iraq program of the humanitarian NGO Heartland Alliance International.

They first discussed several laws specific to human rights and Mr. Sadiq briefed the committee on a Protection of Human Rights Project supported by the Dutch Consulate in Kurdistan Region, which aims to strengthen relations and cooperation between stakeholders involved in monitoring and protecting human rights in the Kurdistan Region.

Mr. Sadiq asked the committee to cooperate with them and support the passage or amendment of laws specific to human rights, and to participate in the project.

Endowments and Religious Affairs Committee

23 April – The committee released this statement regarding a video in which the Holy Koran was desecrated:

On the night of April 23 in a video the Holy Koran was desecrated and the pages torn and scattered. This act crosses the boundaries of respect for the sanctity of Holy Koran. We condemn this unjust act, which aims to undermine our society’s security and to defame the Kurdistani people. We call on the authorities to find those who committed this act and bring them to justice according to the law.

21 April - The committee, led by the chair Hawraman Gacheney (KIG), reviewed the letters and requests sent by the public and responded to them.

The committee discussed the Ministry of Endowments and Religious Affairs’ decisions and procedures for reopening mosques during the current Coronavirus pandemic and the holy month of Ramadan. The committee believes that the Ministry should award and recognize those scholars who have followed the Ministry’s instructions in the mosques, and decided to ask about the mosques that have not been allowed to reopen yet.

The MPs decided to ask the Ministry of Culture and Youth to prevent media outlets from insulting religious principles or broadcasting topics that are against those principles.