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Committees’ recent meetings – 30 April 2021

Health, Environment and Protection of Consumer Rights Committee

26 April - The committee, led by the chair Dr. Sabah Zebari (KDP), discussed the mechanism for distributing Coronavirus vaccines and vaccinating the public, and the vaccine division and distribution between the governorates and independent administrations. The MPs decided to form a committee to investigate and review detailed information on the problems and challenges of delivering and administering vaccines.

The chair Dr. Zebari said that he spoke with the KRG Minister of Health and related authorities about the rumour that vaccines have been sent abroad to a neighbouring country, and they denied the allegations.

The committee reviewed the letters and requests sent by the public and responded to them.

The committee welcomed several doctors from Slemani’s Hiwa Hospital who made several requests in writing. The committee promised to raise their requests with the relevant authorities.

Endowments and Religious Affairs Committee

28 April - The committee, led by the chair Hawraman Gacheney (KIG), discussed the Parliament sitting of 27 April, in which MPs held a closed session about maintaining social peace, respecting religious and social values and protecting fundamental freedoms. Parliament’s Presidency has tasked the committee, along with several other committees, to prepare recommendations on how to maintain these goals.

All the letters and requests sent to the committee were read and directed to the relevant parties for follow-up.

Education, Higher Education and Scientific Research Committee

27 April – The committee, led by the chair Abdusalam Dolamari (KDP), discussed the Education Bill, which the chair said is expected to be sent by the KRG to Parliament soon.

The disruption and several stoppages in the current academic year due to the Coronavirus pandemic was another topic of the meeting. MPs exchanged views and emphasized that, when decision are made about stopping and restarting education, there should be coordination between the committee and both the Ministry of Education and Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research.

The committee decided to write to the KRG Council of Ministers to address students’ problems and particularly on the Human Capacity Development Program (HCDP) scholarships, as well as the problems of exam results for higher education students.

The MPs decided to organize a workshop on the Law on Private Universities, with the participation of academics, experts, and representatives of the ministry.

Interior, Security and Local Councils Committee

27 April - The committee, led by the chair Shakhawan Rauf Mustafa (Change), discussed the idea of amendments to Law No. 16 of 1993 on Carrying Weapons.

Another topic of the meeting was the bill on retirement of security and interior forces, and the determination of their rights in the bill.

The committee decided to form several subcommittees to investigate the interior forces' duties and related issues.

All the letters and requests sent to the committee were read and directed to the relevant parties for follow-up.

Parliament Affairs and Complaints Committee

28 April - The committee, led by chair Dr. Esmail Sgery (KIU), discussed Kurdistan Parliament’s budget, and decided to meet with the Chief and Deputy Chief of the Diwan of Parliament (head of Parliament’s administration) for more discussion.

The notes and requests directed to the committee were discussed and several of them were answered in detail.

Energy, Natural Resources, Commerce and Industry Committee

28 April - The committee, led by chair Ali Hama Salih (Change), discussed the price and poor quality of gasoline. After exchanging opinions on possible solutions, the committee decided to send a special note to the Kurdistan Regional Government's High Council for Oil and Gas to follow up on the issue.

Culture, Civil Society, Sports and Youth Committee

28 April - The committee, led by chair Salma Fatih (PUK), discussed asking the KRG Council of Ministers in writing to issue instructions in line with the Law on the Right to Access Information (Law No. 11 of 2013) and to ask that the Council of Ministers to put this law into effect across the ministries and institutions in the Kurdistan Region.

Another topic of the meeting was the new system for registration of NGOs at the KRG Office for NGOs. The committee decided to meet with the authorities to follow up on the new procedures.

The committee also decided to send a letter to the Council of Ministers on the issue of budget allocation for organizations that have been established by law, since the Government is obliged to provide them with a budget.

Agriculture and Irrigation Committee

28 April - The committee, led by chair Abdulsatar Majeed (KIG), discussed the water conservation bill and directed it to Parliament’s Presidency.

The committee also discussed the demands of Ankawa’s farmers and decided to visit them whenever the farmers can gather for a meeting.

The committee tasked an adviser to visit both the Veterinarians Syndicate and the Kurdistan Veterinary Workers Group, to help resolve the disagreement between them.