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Committees' recent meetings - 7 April 2021

A summary of Kurdistan Parliament's committees' recent work and activities:

Culture, Civil Society, Sports and Youth Committee

11 April - The committee, led by the chair Salma Fatih (PUK), met with the Kurdistan Paralympic Committee.

The Paralympic Committee gave the MPs their proposal for legislation on organizing and monitoring Paralympic sport.

The MPs said that they will coordinate with the Paralympic Committee to help them strengthen sports for persons with disabilities and special needs.

Integrity Committee

6 April – The committee, led by the chair Shirin Amin (Change), read the Kurdistan Integrity Commission’s 2020 report and decided to send the commission their comments and views on it.

The committee discussed the draft second amendments to the Law on the Integrity Commission and decided to continue reviewing them in their next meetings.

Energy, Natural Resources, Industry and Commerce Committee

6 April - The committee, led by the chair Ali Hama Salih (Change), met with the Kurdistan left parties’ joint working committee members, Hiwa Omar, Shno Abdul-Majid, Haval Abdullah, Bakhtiar Mustafa, Qahar Muhammad Ismail and Khalid Hassan Mahmud.

The left parties’ joint working committee presented a letter of complaint regarding the privatization of the electricity sector. The MPs said that they will send the complaint to Parliament’s Presidency.

Finance and Economic Affairs Committee

 6 April - The committee, led by the chair Ziyad Jabbar (PUK), discussed the Kurdistan Integrity Commission’s 2019 report and decided to compile their comments and opinions on it in writing.

The committee then turned to a report received in 2020 on the problems related to the Kurdistan Financial Audit Board, and they decided to look into it further and raise the issue with Parliament’s Presidency.

The MPs discussed the 3-month report on reform by the KRG’s Reform Committee and decided to write to the KRG Council of Ministers to investigate it further.

The committee decided to ask a representative of the government to explain the mechanism for implementing the recent financial agreement between the KRG and Iraq, which is part of the Iraq 2021 Budget Law.

The MPs emphasized the need to work on a bill on retirement of Kurdistan’s security forces and will write to Parliament’s Presidency to call on the KRG to submit the bill to Parliament.

The committee reviewed the letters and requests sent by the public and responded to them.

Committee on Kurdistani Areas outside KRG Administrative Area

7 April - The committee, led by the chair Jiwan Rojbayani (KDP), decided to meet with Minister Khaled Shwani, the KRG Minister for the Region for Negotiations with the Iraqi Government, and also to meet with the Kurdistani Areas Commission.

The committee reviewed the letters and requests sent by the public and responded or directed them to Parliament’s Presidency for the necessary follow-up.

6 April  - The committee, led by the chair Jiwan Rojbayani (KDP), met with Arez Abdullah Qadir, who has collected more than 100 documents that are evidence of Kirkuk being a Kurdish area.

The committee awarded Mr. Qadir with a Parliament plaque in recognition of his work, and said that he is a great example for young Kurdistanis to follow.