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Parliament condemns terrorist drone attack on Coalition base in Erbil International Airport

The Kurdistan Parliament condemns in the strongest terms the terrorist attack on the night of 14th April on the Global Coalition forces’ base inside Erbil International Airport which was carried out by a drone.

The people of Kurdistan are angered and alarmed by this terrorist attack, which is the third in the past seven months. The terrorist forces and parties behind it must be exposed as soon as possible by the federal government and the KRG in cooperation with the coalition forces. The sources of these terrorist attacks must be excluded through an appropriate mechanism, and concerted efforts must be made to prevent their recurrence.

A special Parliament committee will be appointed to stay in contact with the relevant parties, to investigate the efforts to expose the terrorist sides behind the attack.

This act of terrorism on April 14th, the 33rd anniversary of the Anfal Genocide of the Kurdistani people, reminds us that the threats to the Kurdistan Region and to our peace and stability continue, and that in response our people and our parties must be more united, so that we can together face all challenges and threats.

The will of the Kurdistani people to coexist peacefully, make progress and maintain the stability of Erbil, the capital of the Kurdistan Region, is much stronger than this cowardly terrorist act.

Presidency of Kurdistan Parliament

15 April 2021