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Speaker Rewaz Faiq conveys best wishes on anniversary of Kurdistan Students Group

I express my heartfelt congratulations to the Kurdistan Students Group on your 45th Anniversary of the founding of the Kurdistan Students Group. I hope that you will remain at the forefront of students’ representation and efforts, that you will continue to develop and progress as a campaigning and activist organization.

The Kurdistan Students Group has played an important role in informing Kurdistan’s students and developing their leadership skills.

In the era of the Ba’ath regime, the Kurdistan Students Group led dozens of uprising, some students sacrificing their lives for the Kurdish cause.

In the field of science and education, it was always an innovative organization trying to reform and modernize the education system.

We pay tribute to the souls of the students who sacrificed their lives for Kurdistan.

I hope that there will be more cooperation with other Kurdistani students groups in the future, to attain more of students’ demands.

Dr. Rewaz Faiq

Speaker of Kurdistan Parliament

25 April 2021