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Statement by Culture, Civil Society, Sports and Youth on Kurdish Journalism Day

Parliament’s Culture, Civil Society, Sports and Youth Committee on 22 April congratulated journalists on the 123rd anniversary of Kurdish journalism which began with the first issue of Kurdistan newspaper by Miqdad Midhat Bedir Khan in Cairo.

The publication of the first issue of the first Kurdish newspaper, Kurdistan, on 22 April 1898 by the noble and patriotic Bedir Khan family was a major turning point in our people’s cultural history.   

The development of cultural level of each society is the presence of A free and responsible media is the mark of each society’s level of cultural development. With our history of journalism, the Kurdish people are proud that intellectuals and the media have developed our culture and sense of nationhood.

We convey our best wishes to Kurdistan’s journalists on the 123rd anniversary of the birth of Kurdish journalism as well as on the passing of Parliament’s Resolution on Kurdish Journalism Day as a day to celebrate and recognize Kurdish journalism.

We reaffirm our support for increasing journalistic and writers' freedom, and we ask the institutions of the KRG and the judicial authorities to consider the effective and important role of journalists. The precondition for the development of any society is the guarantee of freedom and responsibility of the media.

Culture, Civil Society, Sports and Youth Committee

22 April 2021