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Committees' recent meetings - 4 August 2021

A summary of Kurdistan Parliament's committees' recent work and meetings:

Culture, Civil Society, Sports and Youth Committee

3 August – the committee, led by the vice-chair Jalal Pareshan (KDP), approved the report that their sub-committee compiled regarding the death of Jwanro Karim, a musician in a Peshmerga military band, who died in unclear circumstances in Eastern Erbil governorate. The committee decided to send their findings of their investigations to Parliament’s Presidency.

The MPs also discussed speeding up work on the legislative proposal on the Kurdistan Olympic Committee, so that it can go through the necessary procedures in the next legislative session after the recess.

Committee on Kurdistani Areas outside KRG Administrative Area

3 August – The committee, led by the chair Jiwan Rojbayani (KDP), met with Judge Badraddin, a representative of the Justice Ministry; Tavga Omar, member of the human rights commission; and Ghanem Elias, a representative of a Yazidi organization.

They discussed the proposal to amend the Law No. 3 of 1999, the Law on the Missing and Disappeared in the Campaigns of Genocide against the Kurdistani People in Kurdistan – Iraq.

After exchanging views, the committee prepared their report on the bill to amend the law and directed it to Parliament’s Presidency, so that the bill can be scheduled for reading at the next Parliament legislative session after the summer recess.

Agriculture and Irrigation Committee

2 August – The committee, led by the chair Abdulsatar Majeed (KJG), discussed Kurdistan Region’s water projects and decided to write to Parliament’s Presidency on the subject.

The MPs discussed the Bill on Seeds and decided to invite those with experience and expertise in this area to help improve the bill.

The committee welcomed the decision to increase cooperation and oversight by Parliament of Kurdistan’s provincial councils.

The MPs decided to form two sub-committees to visit Qaiwan and Khoshnaw companies to look into their purchase of farmers' wheat.  

Endowments and Religious Affairs Committee

2 August – The committee, led by the vice-chair Mala Ihsan Rekani (KDP), held their regular meeting.

The committee stressed the need for everyone to follow health guidelines at mosques and religious sites to contain the spread of the Coronavirus, and they commended the role of clerics for raising awareness of the health guidelines.

The MPs discussed having more meetings with foreign countries’ consulates here, to exchange views on the importance of maintaining the peaceful religious coexistence in the Kurdistan Region.

The committee read all the notes and requests sent to them and either replied to them or directed them to the relevant authorities.

2 August – The committee conveyed their best wishes to Yazidis on the Forty Days of Summer feast (Chile Havine), in the following message:

We congratulate our beloved Yazidi brothers and sisters in the Kurdistan Region on the Forty Days of Summer celebration (Chile Havine). On this happy occasion, we ask God to bring blessings and peace and to end all disease and suffering.

We hope that Kurdistan will forever remain a land of acceptance and coexistence between all ethnicities, communities and religions.