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Deputy Speaker Dr. Hemin Hawrami congratulates Kurdistan Socialist Democratic Party on 45th anniversary

Dear Mr. Muhammad Haji Mahmood, Secretary of the Kurdistan Socialist Democratic Party, dear members of the political bureau and the leadership.

I offer my warm and heartfelt congratulations on the 45th anniversary of the Kurdistan Socialist Democratic Party, and I hope that you will continue to serve the people of Kurdistan and our Region.

The Socialist Democratic Party is one of the most influential and experienced parties in Kurdistan’s political arena and has always participated in the defence of the people and land of Kurdistan, and has always struggled for our people’s legitimate cause.

In the war against ISIS, dear Kaka Hama Haji Mahmood, you and your Peshmerga were at the forefront as one of the brave commanders defending Kurdistan, and your son Kaka Ata tragically lost his life in the battle to defend Kirkuk, an example of the selflessness and sacrifices that your party has made.

Once again, I congratulate you and your party members and supporters and wish you success.

Dr. Hemin Hawrami

Deputy Speaker of Kurdistan Parliament

8 August 2021