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Municipalities Committee looks into drinking water shortages in Erbil

Kurdistan Parliament’s Municipalities Committee on 9 August met separately with the Governor of Erbil Omed Khoshnaw and the KRG General Director of Water and Irrigation Ari Ahmad, to investigate the lack of drinking water in parts of Erbil city centre and some surrounding areas.

 For some days the public in some parts of Erbil city centre and some surrounding areas have not had drinking water. The committee asked Governor Khoshnaw and Mr. Ahmad for an explanation, and for the water shortage to be remedied as soon as possible.

The government officials said that the water source was muddied, and that the government is making efforts to solve the problems, saying that from today drinking water to some areas of Erbil is being restored.

The committee stressed that water is an essential utility for citizens, and the authorities must make more concerted and faster efforts to finish Ifraz-4 water project and solve the general water shortage.