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Speaker Rewaz Faiq chairs meeting of Parliament’s Interior Committee with Interior Minister on Bill on Private Security Companies

Kurdistan Parliament Speaker Dr. Rewaz Faiq on 9 August chaired a meeting of Parliament’s Interior Committee with KRG Interior Minister Rebar Ahmed to discuss the Bill on Private Security Companies in Kurdistan Region.

Dr. Vala Fareed, the KRG Minister for the Region for Parliament Affairs, the Interior Committee chair Shakhawan Rauf Mustafa (Change) and committee members, and officials from the Interior Ministry also attended the meeting.

The MPs held a detailed discussion and questioning about the Bill with Minister Ahmed and the Interior Ministry staff. The first reading of the Bill was held at the Parliament sitting of 28 June.

Speaker Faiq said, “The bills that the Government sends to Parliament must have no conflicts with the Constitution, and MPs should complete their reports on the bills when the new legislative season resumes.”

Parliament is currently in the summer recess, until the end of August.