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Statistics on Kurdistan Parliament’s work in spring session of third year of fifth term

Statistics on Kurdistan Parliament’s work in the recently ended Spring Session of the third year of the fifth term, from 1 March to 31 July 2021. Please note that the data is in Kurdish, with the titles of the files and tables in English here:

PDF: Government’s presence at Kurdistan Parliament’s sittings; draft legislation and laws passed in Spring Session of 2021

  1. Number of times a minister, head of a board or commission and other government officials attended Parliament sittings in Spring Session of 2021
  2. First readings of MPs’ bills in spring session
  3. First readings of government bills
  4. Second readings of MPs’ bills
  5. Second readings of government bills
  6. Resolutions and decisions passed
  7. Bills or amendments passed into law
  8. Summary table, including number of MPs' written questions and government answers

PDF: Standing committees’ meetings with ministers, general directors and heads of boards, commissions and other bodies in Spring Session of 2021

  1. Number of standing committee meetings attended by each minister
  2. Number of committee meetings attended by each general director or head of a board, commission or other body.