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Deputy Speaker Dr. Hemin Hawrami and MPs pay last respects at funeral of three brothers killed by ISIS in Khidrjija

Kurdistan Parliament Deputy Speaker Dr. Hemn Hawrami and MPs on 3 December 2021 attended the funeral of three brothers killed in an ISIS terrorist attack on Khidirjija village. The three brothers were killed along with several Peshmerga soldiers in the attack in the Qarachogh area.

Together with Deputy Speaker Hawrami were MPs Jiwan Rojbayani (KDP), chair of the Kurdistani Areas Committee; Saeed Harki (KDP), a member of the Peshmerga Committee; and Bahman Kakabdullah Ahmad (KDP), a member of the Martyrs Committee.

Deputy Speaker Hawrami gave his condolences and those of the Kurdistan Parliament to the family of the three brothers who were civilians defending an attack on their village.

 On behalf of the Kurdistan Parliament, Dr. Hawrami and the MPs visited the mother of the three martyred civilians to express his sympathy for her immense loss.