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Deputy Speaker Dr. Hemin Hawrami meets with members of Kurdish Federation in Sweden

Kurdistan Parliament Deputy Speaker Dr. Hemin Hawrami on 8 December 2021 met with members of the Kurdish Federation in Sweden.

They discussed the recent Kurdish Diaspora Conference held in Erbil on 4 December under the auspices of President Masoud Barzani and the recommendations of the conference to unify the discourse and strategy of the Diaspora in the general interests of the Kurdistani community abroad. 

Deputy Speaker Hawrami said that more cooperation and unity is needed among the Kurdish Diaspora as well as the creation of a lobby for each issue, to advocate for the rights and demands of the people of Kurdistan.

Dr. Hawrami encouraged Kurdistanis abroad to participate in the politics, democratic process and government institutions of their host countries so that they can become a bridge between Kurdistan and other nations.

The Deputy Speaker and the members of the Kurdish Federation in Sweden also discussed the current political situation in Kurdistan Region and Iraq.