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Deputy Speaker Dr. Hemin Hawrami welcomes Christian clerical and NGO delegation

Kurdistan Parliament Deputy Speaker Dr. Hemin Hawrami on 8 December 2021 welcomed a delegation of Christian clerics and NGO representatives from the US, UK and Finland. They discussed the importance of maintaining and supporting Kurdistan Region's model of religious and ethnic tolerance and coexistence.

MPs Mala Waisi (KDP), Klara Bafro (ASCP Council) and Vahik Kamal Serani (Armenian) also participated in the meeting.

Dr. Hawrami gave the delegation an overview of Parliament's parties and reserved seats for Kurdistan Region's original components, and the rights of the religious and ethnic components to political partipation and representations and to positions in official institutions, which are enshrined in Kurdistan's laws. 

The Deputy Speaker said that the people and institutions of Kurdistan Region have a firm belief in peaceful coexistence and tolerance between all religions.

Mr. Jamal Liddawi, the head of the delegation and founder of a Christian humanitarian NGO, presented Dr. Hawrami with the Bible (Old and New Testament) in Kurdish.