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Parliament committees, Minister Shoresh Ismail and senior KRG officials discuss Peshmerga forces as ISIS attacks increase

To discuss the Peshmerga forces and the recent attacks by ISIS terrorists on Peshmerga positions, on 7 December 2021 Kurdistan Parliament’s Peshmerga Committee and the Committee on Kurdistani Areas outside the KRG Administrative Area met with KRG Minister for Peshmerga Shoresh Ismail and other KRG officials.

Dr. Omed Sabah, President of the Diwan of the KRG Council of Ministers; Dr. Abdulhakim Khasraw, Head of the Board on Kurdistani Areas outside the KRG Administrative Area; and other staff were also at the meeting.

The MPs and government officials discussed the conditions for Peshmerga forces and the security vacuum between the Peshmerga and the Iraqi army, with a recent spate of ISIS terrorist attacks that killed Peshmerga soldiers and civilians in villages.

During the four-hour meeting, MPs from the two Parliament committees presented the findings of their investigations, such as the lack of certain necessities for the Peshmerga, lack of Peshmerga-Iraqi Defence Forces coordination and other problems in those locations.

The ministers and officials said that the KRG has made every effort to normalize the situation in the Kurdistani areas.

The meeting began with a minute’s silence in remembrance of the Peshmerga and civilians who lost their lives in ISIS terrorist attacks in recent days.