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Parliament Presidency’s statement on ISIS attack on Khidirija village in Qarachogh

We are very saddened to learn that a number of civilians and Peshmerga soldiers have been killed and several injured in a terrorist attack by ISIS on the village of Khidirija, in the foothills of Qarachogh mountain.

We express our condolences to the families of the martyrs. We share their families’ and loved ones’ grief and we ask God to give them strength and patience. We hope that the injured make a speedy recovery.

The failure to eliminate the threat from ISIS by filling the security gaps between the Kurdistani areas outside the KRG administrative area and the Kurdistan Region, the failure to fill that security gap between the Peshmerga forces and the Iraqi army, has been exploited by these terrorists.

These areas are their launchpad for attacks against people in the Kurdistan areas, the Kurdistan Region and the Peshmerga forces.

To prevent these threats against our brave Peshmerga and the people and territory of Kurdistan, we call on the Kurdistan Regional Government and the Iraqi government to strengthen their cooperation and relationship, under the auspices of the international coalition against ISIS, and rapidly bridge the security gap.

We must never become complacent about the need to fill the security gaps and the need to eliminate ISIS, which is a danger to the peace, security and stability of Kurdistan, Iraq and the world.

Presidency of Kurdistan Parliament

3 December 2021