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Speaker Dr. Rewaz Faiq's statement on International Day of Persons with Disabilities

On the International Day of Persons with Disabilities, which was designated by the United Nations, the poor health and tough socio-economic conditions of persons with disabilities around the world continue to be an important issue for humanitarian organizations and governments.

In the Kurdistan Region, persons with disabilities, who live precariously because of economic and political instability, are struggling with poverty and have limited opportunities to work. Despite this, they do not give up and they continue to demonstrate their abilities and their contribution to their communities.

It is the Kurdistan Regional Government’s duty to conduct a general review of the allowance for persons with disabilities and to provide them with the appropriate health insurance and their equipment and medical needs, particularly as today there is a call for creating health insurance for all.

We in the Kurdistan Parliament, within the framework of our responsibilities and authority, support all the legitimate needs and demands of persons with disabilities. We respect and greatly value their contribution to Kurdistan in the past and today and we wish them success and prosperity.

Dr. Rewaz Faiq

President of Kurdistan Parliament

3 December 2021