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Committees' recent meetings - 17 February 2021

A summary of Kurdistan Parliament's committees' recent meetings and activities:

Education, Higher Education, and Scientific Research Committee

15 February- The Committee, led by the chair Abdusalam Dolarami (KDP), held their weekly meeting.

The MPs discussed the importance of continuing education during the Coronavirus pandemic and their monitoring of the recent reopening of schools.

The committee decided to establish three sub-committees to visit the general directorates of education in Erbil, Duhok, Slemani and Halabja to look in more detail at the reopening of schools.

All the notes and requests sent to the committee were discussed and answered in line with Parliament’s Internal Rules of Procedure.

Agriculture and Irrigation Committee

15 February - The Committee, led by chair Abdulsatar Majeed (KIG), welcomed several Kurdistan Region poultry farmers.

They discussed many problems, particularly the issue of illegal chicken imports which harm domestic production.

The poultry farmers asked the committee to help officially restart sales of chicken between Erbil and Baghdad.

The committee pledged to formally raise the farmers’ requests through the Presidency of the Kurdistan Parliament to the Kurdistan Regional Government.

Municipalities, Transport, Communication, Travel and Tourism Committee

15 February - The Committee, led by chair Luqman Wardi (PUK), welcomed the KRG Minister of Transport and Communications, Ano Jawhar Abdoka.

The Minister briefed the MPs on the ministry’s work and future plans and said that the Reform Law is being fully implemented in the ministry.

Minister Abdoka stressed the ministry's policy of reforming all areas of transport and communication and reducing bureaucracy.

The MPs asked questionsrelated to the public’s problems including city lines of internet services.

The committee and ministry discussed strengthening their coordination and being quicker to find solutions that improve public services.