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Committees' recent meetings - 25 February 2021

Reconstruction and Investment Committee

22 February – The committee, led by the chair Hawre Mala Star (PUK), met with the General Director of Law at the Kurdistan Investment Board, the Director of Investment of Garmian Administration, the Kurdistan Teachers Union and several teachers.

The aim of the meeting was to look for solutions to the problems with teachers’ housing in Kalar and the residential housing project in Kifri.

The teachers’ representatives said that the teachers’ housing has had problems for a few years that must be resolved. The Kurdistan Investment Board official described the problems with the project.

Chair Mala Star asked when the Kifri housing project will begin, and Garmian’s Director of Investment said that it will start after a few administrative procedures are completed. The committee decided to work with the authorities to help overcome any technical issues with the project.    

Integrity Committee

23 February - The committee, led by the vice-chair Said Harki (KDP), discussed in detailed the reform report that was sent to the committee by the Kurdistan Integrity Commission.

The MPs decided to summon five committees of the Peshmerga Ministry to ask them for clarification about how far they have implemented the Reform Law. The committee also decided to write to several other authorities on the same issue of the Reform Law.

All the letters and requests sent to the committee were discussed and answered.

Relations and Kurdish Diaspora Committee

23 February – The committee, led by the chair Dr. Rebwar Babkayi (KDP), met with the Head of the KRG Department of Foreign Relations (DFR) Minister Safeen Dizayee, at the DFR.

Dr. Babkayi condemned the rocket attack of 16th February on the city of Erbil, the capital of the Kurdistan Region, and expressed the committee’s condolences to the families of the victims and hoped for the speedy recovery of the injured.

The committee asked about the security and safety of the diplomats and foreign representatives in Erbil in light of the missile attack. They also enquired about the opening of new KRG representations abroad.

Minister Dizayee said that extremist elements in Iraq want the the global coalition, led by the US, to leave Iraq, including Kurdistan Region. He said, "The night that the missiles came close to the Chinese and US consulates, we contacted them, the Interior Ministry and other relevant authorities immediately."

Minister Dizayee added, "Foreign envoys condemned the incident in the media, and some governments joined together to issue official statements of condemnation.” 

Regarding the opening of new KRG representations abroad, he said, “The DFR is working to open more KRG representations abroad, but this needs resources.”  

The committee commended the KRG security forces for reacting quickly to the rocket attack and hope that the coalition will repel such attacks in the future.

Committee on Kurdistani Areas outside KRG Administrative Area

23 February – The committee, led by the vice-chair Jamal Haruti (PUK), held their usual meeting.

All the letters and requests sent by the public were read and either received a response or were directed to Parliament’s Presidency for further follow-up.

The latest situation in the Kurdistani areas outside the KRG administrative area and their Arabization, and the deadlines for implementing the Sinjar (Shengal) Agreement, were discussed.

The MPs discussed the conduct of Iraqi elections in the Kurdistani areas in the past, and stressed that the new electoral system that has been introduced in Iraq should not lead to fewer votes or seats for Kurdistanis in those areas.

The committee decided to meet the KRG Interior Ministry to raise questions about the Shengal Agreement and the other Kurdistani areas.   

Culture, Civil Society, Sports and Youth Committee

22 February – The committee, led by the chair Salma Fatih (PUK), met with members of the Kurdistan Olympic Committee to discuss drafting a bill on the Olympic Committee with the aim of improving and developing sports.

The committee said that they will arrange workshops and seminars on sports with the participation of experts, and will direct their findings and views to Parliament’s Presidency.

22 February – The committee met with Gailan Najmadin, Director General of Turkman Culture and Art at the KRG Ministry of Culture.

The meeting discussed the challenges facing the Turkman community in culture, art and sports. Director General Najmadin asked the committee for their support.

The MPs talked about the peaceful religious and ethnic coexistence in the Kurdistan Region, expressed their support for the Director General’s demands and decided to look further into how they can help.

22 February – The committee held their weekly meeting.

MPs Goran Omer (Change) and Mam Burhan Qanie (Independent) briefed the committee on a cultural organization’s project in Slemani to turn a cigarette factory into an arts centre comprising a museum, theatre, gallery, concert hall, cinema and educational spaces for children and young people.

All of the letters and requests sent to the committee by the public were directed to the relevant authorities.

23 February – The committee met with the Head of the KRG Office for NGOs and with a representative of some civil society organizations.

Chair Fatih explained the committee’s previous meetings to look into the governing authorities’ and NGOs’ work.

They discussed Kurdistan Parliament’s Resolution No. 5 of 2013 which was passed to facilitate the implementation of the provisions of the agreement between public institutions and NGOs on equality and progress. The participants gave their views on some parts of the resolution and decided to look at all the provisions that need to be changed.

Peshmerga Committee

23 February – The committee, led by the chair Reving Heruri (KDP), read and discussed the bill on honouring the Peshmerga. The MPs also talked about arranging visits to follow up on issues that Peshmerga soldiers have raised.

All of the letters and requests sent by the public received replies from the committee or were directed to the relevant authorities through Parliament’s Presidency.

Martyrs, Genocide and Political Prisoners Committee

23 February – The committee, led by the chair Sawsan Mohammad Mirkhan (KDP), separately met with two children of the survivors of the Anfal and with the staff of Erbil health centre for martyrs’ families.

The two children of Anfal survivors, one from Duhok and one from Erbil, explained their problems. The committee pledged to look into them and raise them with the relevant authorities.

The KRG Ministry of Martyrs has decided to close the Erbil health centre for martyrs’ families, which provide free support and services. The committee has decided to look into the matter.

Protection of Women’s Rights Committee

24 February - The committee, led by the chair Lanja Dizayee (KDP), met with Dr. Bizhar Kochar (KDP), the chair of Parliament’s Legislative Committee.

The MPs made suggestions on the provisions that relate to or impact women in bills that are being prepared for their first and second readings.

Dr. Kochar discussed the laws that Parliament will work on in the forthcoming Spring Session (starting 1 March) and gave his full support to ensuring that provisions in the bills are included to include gender participation and equality.

The MPs asked Dr. Kochar how they can increase their cooperation on bills with all the standing committees to ensure that women’s role and rights are upheld and promoted in draft legislation.

Social Affairs and Protection of Human Rights Committee

24 February – The committee, led by the chair Romeo Hakari (National Union Coalition), met to decide their schedule of work for March.

The MPs discussed the latest developments regarding human rights violations, and decided to submit a report to Parliament’s Presidency, and also to meet with the Legislative and Culture committees on the issue.

One of the committee’s advisers suggested more discussions with human rights organizations and NGOs.

The MPs decided to ask the KRG Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs for the draft legislation on protection of children's rights.

All the letters and requests sent to the committee were discussed and answered according to Parliament’s procedures.