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Deputy Speaker Hawrami and MPs meet with Agriculture and Water Resources Minister Begard Talabani

Kurdistan Parliament Deputy Speaker Dr. Hemin Hawrami and members of Parliament’s Agriculture and Irrigation Committee on 23 February met with KRG Agriculture Minister Begard Talabani, to follow up on the Ministry’s work and on its implementation of laws in force.

The visit to the Agriculture and Water Resources Ministry is part of a series of meetings with the Government and other institutions that Dr. Hawrami has led during the current Parliament recess.

Deputy Speaker Hawrami thanked the Agriculture Ministry for being responsive to Parliament’s Agriculture Committee’s questions, and said that they ministry is a very active and important one for Kurdistan Region.

Dr. Hawrami said that the purpose of the meeting was to monitor and follow up on laws that have been passed by Parliament, especially the Reform Law, as well as on the government's manifesto which called for administrative and financial change, decentralization of authority and cutting of red tape. Parliament is ready to work with the Ministry on legislation that needs to be passed or amended to boost the agricultural sector, he said.

Minister Begard Talabani gave an overview of the work and activities of the ministry so far and its measures to implement the Reform Law and the KRG cabinet’s manifesto. The financial and health crises have been major challenges, she said.

Dams and water security were emphasized as being essential to the development of agriculture, as well as agro-industries and investment.

The MPs and staff of the ministry discussed many areas, and agreed to have ongoing meetings.