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Deputy Speaker Hawrami meets with Balakayati residents hit by border area attacks

Kurdistan Parliament Deputy Speaker Dr. Hemin Hawrami on 8 February welcomed residents of Balakayati who have lost loved ones and suffered material damage by Turkey’s aerial bombings and Iran’s shelling of Kurdistan Region’s border areas.

Together with several MPs, discussions were held on the current situation in their area, the issue of PKK fighters' movements, Turkey’s aerial bombings and Iran’s shelling. They discussed frankly the causes and efforts to end the conflict, which tragically has killed civilians living in the areas.

The Balakayati representatives explained the problems in their area and the damages that they have suffered from the neighbouring countries’ attacks, and asked for every effort to be made to end them.

Deputy Speaker Hawrami expressed his deep sympathy to the Balakayati residents for the lives lost. He said “We condemn any attack on Kurdistanis and Kurdistan Region that kills civilians and damages villages, homes and lands. The movement of the PKK close to civilians and their homes provide a pretext for neighbouring countries to bomb the borders”. 

The Deputy Speaker said, "We will follow up on your demands carefully with the relevant authorities in the KRG.”

He also explained the Parliament’s efforts to form an ad hoc committee to look into the border areas.