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Deputy Speaker Hawrami welcomes French MPs, MEPs and lawyers

Kurdistan Parliament Deputy Speaker Dr. Hemin Hawrami and MPs on 27 February welcomed a French delegation from the National Assembly, the European Parliament and Lawyers Without Borders, led by MP Ms Frédérique Dumas.

Dr. Hawrami was accompanied by MPs Dr. Rebwar Babkayi (KDP) and Farid Yaqub Eliya (Al-Rafidain).

On behalf of the Kurdistan Parliament, Deputy Speaker Hawrami thanked the French delegation for the historic friendship and steadfast support of the people and Government of France for Kurdistan, particularly in the most difficult moments.

Ms. Dumas thanked Kurdistan Region for the bravery and sacrifices of the Peshmerga forces in the war against ISIS which helped to protect the rest of the world.

The Kurdistan Parliament MPs and the French delegation discussed stability a and security, improving governance and the threat of the return of ISIS for Kurdistan Region and Iraq.

Dr. Hawrami said that the continued presence of France and other nations in the Global Coalition is essential for Kurdistan and Iraq’s stability and security.

All sides agreed on strengthening relations between the Kurdistan Parliament and the French and European parliaments.

Together with Ms. Dumas were French Parliament Member Hubert Julien-Laferrière; members of the European Parliament Mounir Satouri and Sylvie Guillaume; and lawyers who are members of Lawyers Without Borders, Marie Dosé, Ludovic Rivière and Matthieu Bagard.