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Presidency of Kurdistan Parliament’s statement on rocket attacks on Erbil

Last night terrorists attacked with rockets several locations in Erbil, capital of the Kurdistan Region. On behalf of the Kurdistan Parliament, we condemn in the strongest terms these cowardly acts against Erbil International Airport and some areas of Erbil.

The Kurdistan Region is known for our different communities living together peacefully. In difficult times, our doors have been open to thousands of people from other cities of Iraq and even neighbouring countries, and we have sheltered IDPs and refugees as a national and official duty to help them.

Protecting this region's safe haven, where everyone has a place, must be the first task of the international community and the Security Council. The Iraqi Federal Government must comply with its constitutional, legal and political responsibilities and coordinate with the Kurdistan Regional Government to urgently fill the security vacuum that terrorists and enemies are exploiting to attack our region and undermine the peace of our cities and towns.

We call for the perpetrators to be brought to justice as soon as possible, and we express our sympathy to the families of the victims and wish the injured a speedy recovery.

Presidency of Kurdistan Parliament

16 February 2021