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Committees' recent meetings - 14 January 2021

Culture, Civil Society, Sports and Youth Committee

13 January - The committee, led by the chair Salma Fatih (PUK), held a meeting with several former MPs, representatives of civil society organizations and activists from Kurdistan’s governorates.

Chair Fatih explained the joint agreement between Parliament, the KRG and NGOs on collaborative work to strengthen the foundations of democracy and foster social stability in Kurdistan.

Ms. Fatih said that in the current term of Parliament the committee is trying to implement the agreement.

The guests and representatives of the organizations presented their points and asked for coordination in the future with the legislative and executive authorities and all the organizations.

The committee members acknowledged that more should be done to improve, support and develop civil society organisations’ work.

The committee said that they will present their report on the state of civil society organizations at a Parliament sitting, especially legal violations and recommendations for solving their problems.

Protection of Women's Rights Committee welcomes Dabin and Internews organisations

13 January - The committee, led by the chair Lanja Dizayee (KDP) welcomed two organisations, Dabin and Internews.

Both organisations presented their research on sexual harassment in the workplace to the committee, and after discussions and exchanging views on the research, the committee thanked them and said that their research data and information will inform and contribute to the committee's work in 2021.

The work of both organizations was discussed in detail, as well as the importance of cooperation between the committee and civil society organizations that work on women's issues.

Social Affairs and Protection of Human Rights Committee

13 January - The committee, led by chair Romeo Hakari (National Union Coalition), held their weekly meeting.

The law on the rights and privileges of disabilities was discussed in detail.

The committee decided to visit several executive bodies, particularly to investigate the situation for the prisoners and detainees.