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Deputy Speaker Hawrami and Interior Committee meet with Interior Minister Rebar Ahmed

Kurdistan Parliament Deputy Speaker Hemin Hawrami and members of Parliament’s Interior Committee on 18 January met with KRG Interior Minister Rebar Ahmed and his staff to follow up on implementation of the Reform Law and security-related issues.

The meeting focused on the Interior Ministry's latest steps to implement the Reform Law and to reorganise the guards unit; the formation of a special force to prevent cross-border smuggling, and preparations for a retirement and pension bill for interior forces.

Dr. Hawrami on behalf of the Kurdistan Parliament thanked the interior’s police and security services for protecting the public by helping to contain the spread of the Coronavirus. He commended the Interior Ministry’s for helping to maintain Kurdistan’s security.  

Minister Rebar Ahmed said, "Our meeting with your Parliament delegation today gives us a boost in knowing that we can work together to find solutions to these issues within the framework of the law”. 

The KRG Interior Minister explained the steps taken by the Ministry to implement the Reform Law and said that the KRG Council of Ministers has issued a decision to establish a joint force from the Interior and Peshmerga ministries to prevent smuggling at the border points. MPs from Parliament’s Interior Committee emphasized the need for close cooperation between them and the Ministry.

The MPs and the Interior Ministry agreed to work together on guaranteeing the rights of officers and higher ranks when they retire.