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Deputy Speaker Hawrami and MPs meet with Higher Education Minister Aram Muhammad Qadir

Kurdistan Parliament Deputy Speaker Hemin Hawrami and MPs in the Education Committee on 20 January met with KRG Higher Education and Scientific Research Minister, Dr. Aram Muhammad Qadir, at the ministry.

Minister Qadir was joined by his deputy, advisers and general directors. The meeting addressed strengthening the coordination between Parliament’s Education Committee and the ministry's special committee for legislative proposals.

The two sides discussed parallel study (fee-paying students at public universities), private universities, the quality of research centres and their output, peer reviewed articles and scientific journals, the opening of Akre University, Salahaddin University’s campus, relations with the Iraqi Ministry of Higher Education, the importance of reviewing the system and the philosophy of higher education, issues with dormitories, and how far the current KRG cabinet is fulfilling its stated policies and agenda for higher education and reforms.

Minister Qadir welcomed the MPs and described the duties of the Ministry of Higher Education as the executive side complementing the legislative authority. He said, "We share the goal of serving the people of Kurdistan and furthering academia in the region."

The Minister said that higher education must fulfill the strategic task of developing future generations and strengthening academia in all fields. He added that furthering cooperation between the ministry and Parliament’s education committee is important in order to achieve these aims.

Members of the Parliament committee made their suggestions on how to strengthen cooperation, and the ministry officials briefed them on their work and priorities.