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Deputy Speaker Hawrami and MPs meet with KRG Education Minister Alan Hama Saeed

Kurdistan Parliament Deputy Speaker Hemin Hawrami and MPs in the Education Committee on 21 January met with KRG Education Minister, Alan Hama Saeed, at the ministry. The purpose of the meeting was to monitor the ministry’s work and look into implementation of the Reform Law.

Minister Hama Saeed was joined by his deputy, advisers and general directors.

The issues discussed included the latest progress on the Education Bill, reviewing school curricula and programmes, the impact of Coronavirus, increasing opportunities and experiences for students, private schools’ fees, the relationship between general education and the ministry, bureaucracy and management of school properties, and implementation of the Reform Law.

Deputy Speaker Hawrami thanked the Education Ministry for their close cooperation with Parliament’s Education Committee and said, "Our aims are to monitor closely the government’s work, understand how legislation is being implemented, hear the executive authorities’ views on the laws that originate from Parliament, meet teachers’ demands, and raise students’ attainment levels, which are all part of our duty of serving the people of Kurdistan."

Minister Hama Saeed presented a comprehensive and detailed report about the issues and pointed out the key areas in the ministry and in education and he emphasized the need for continued cooperation with Parliament, so that the education system fulfills its strategic task of developing future generations and building an advanced society in all fields.

The Education Committee asked the ministry staff questions related to improving their coordination, resolving problems and developing education.