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Deputy Speaker Hawrami and UNDP Iraq delegation discuss arbitration and commercial justice

Kurdistan Parllament Deputy Speaker Dr. Hemin Hawrami on 31 January and a UNDP Iraq delegation discussed a project to strengthen commercial justice and business arbitration in Kurdistan Region and Iraq. 

Mr. Janan Jabar Boya (National Union Coalition MP) also met with the UNDP officials. 

Deputy Speaker Hawrami said that the Kurdistan Parliament welcomes the UNDP's help with any measures that will reduce corruption and increase transparency in Kurdistan Region and Iraq, so that public have more trust and confidence in institutions.

There is a strong in the current fifth term of the Kurdistan Parliament and in the KRG cabinet to fight corruption, he added. Parliament's committees have been very active in asking the government questions and meeting with ministers. 

Mr. Ghimar Deeb, UNDP Iraq's Deputy Resident Representative, said that UNDP hopes to begin the project in March, with support from the EU. Its aim is to improve the capacity of investigative judges and prosecutors to work on corruption cases, introduce international arbitration for business agreements, and ensure that civil society organisations report to the public and media on commercial arbitration and corruption cases.

Deputy Speaker Hawrami said that Kurdistan Parliament will study the UNDP's initiative.