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Deputy Speaker Hawrami leads meeting with Peshmerga Minister and officials

Deputy Speaker Dr. Hemin Hawrami and MPs in Parliament’s Peshmerga Committee on 25 January met with Peshmerga Minister Shoresh Ismail, Deputy Minister Sarbast Lazgin and their colleagues.

The MPs and Peshmerga Ministry officials discussed ensuring that laws in force are implemented, the steps in the reform process, and parliamentary monitoring to speed it up.

On behalf of Parliament and Parliament’s Presidency, Deputy Speaker Hawrami commended the role of the Kurdish Peshmerga forces in protecting Kurdistan’s territory and people, and said, "We in the Kurdistan Parliament have made every effort to monitor and follow up on the work of the Ministry."

Dr. Hawrami asked for clarity on implementation of the reform process, the reviewing of the Peshmerga payroll list, and the unification and reorganization of the forces into the Ministry.

Minister Shorsh Ismail focused on the steps in the reform process in his ministry and said, “We have taken some good steps in the process of reforming the Ministry through five main committees, with the co-operation of the coalition forces.”

He added, “Our main goal is the creation of a modern national military force.”

“Peshmerga reform involves so many aspects of the reform process, and it has become clear that the complete unification of the forces needs political agreement.”

The chair of Parliament’s Peshmerga Committee, Reving Heruri (KDP) and his committee colleagues asked the ministry officials many questions and gave their suggestions. They also asked for another such meeting in the future.