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Speaker Rewaz Faiq on Kurdistani Nwe newspaper's 29th anniversary: 'A proud and unique achievement in Kurdish journalism'

The Speaker of the Kurdistan Parliament Dr. Rewaz Faiq on 12 January congratulated Kurdistani New newspaper on its 29th anniversary, in the following message:

Dear editors, management, journalists and staff of Kurdistani Nwe,

On the 29th anniversary of the printing of your first issue, I warmly congratulate you and wish you continued success.

As the first Kurdish daily newspaper after the Raparin (Kurdish Uprising), Kurdistani Nwe was a unique and proud initiative and achievement in Kurdish journalism, playing an effective role in defending nationalism, rights and freedoms, in the past and today.

Kurdistani Nwe freely mines political thought and literary genres with colour and diversity, covering many topics and aspects of life. Kurdistani Nwe has given its unique talents to the press and has recorded key historic events by publishing special supplements on a wide range of issues.

Kurdistani Nwe exemplifies the established and heavyweight press, and adheres to journalism’s norms and responsibilities. I hope that it will continue on this path.

Congratulations again on the 29th anniversary of Kurdistani Nwe, I hope that it will always be a leader of free thought and beautiful expression.

Dr. Rewaz Faiq

Speaker of Kurdistan Parliament