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Committees’ recent meetings – 29 July 2021

A summary of Kurdistan Parliament’s committees’ recent work and meetings:

Health, Environment and Consumer Rights Committee

28 July – The committee, led by the chair Dr. Sabah Zebari (KDP), discussed the rise in the number of Coronavirus infections and deaths.

The MPs stressed that all relevant parties and the public should abide by the guidelines issued by the High Committee on Combating the Coronavirus on 27 July. The committee agreed with the high committee’s decision and called for strict protective measures to minimize the harm caused by this current dangerous wave of the pandemic.

The subcommittee that had been formed to look into the allegations of corruption and mismanagement at Halabja General Director of Health presented their report and recommendations to the committee.

The committee read all the notes and requests sent by the public and worked on them.

Interior, Security and Local Councils Committee

27 July – The committee, led by the chair Shakhawan Rauf Beg (Change), decided to write to Parliament’s Presidency regarding the Guards Law (Law No. 15 of 2012). They also discussed preparing their report on the Bill on Private Security Companies.

The committee read all the notes and requests sent by the public and either replied to them or directed them to Parliament’s Presidency for further work.

Education, Higher Education and Scientific Research Committee

27 July – The committee, led by the chair Abdusalam Dolamari (KDP), discussed the high school grade 12 exams that are currently under way. They agreed that the exams are being conducted better this year compared to previous years and that many of the shortcomings of previous years have been resolved.

The MPs stressed that protective measures should be followed in the exam halls to contain the spread of the Coronavirus and to protect teachers and students.

The committee read all the notes and requests sent by the public and either replied to them or directed them to the relevant authorities for further work.

Relations and Kurdish Diaspora Committee

26 July – The committee, led by the chair Dr. Rebwar Babkayi (KDP), visited the Korean Consulate in Kurdistan Region and met with the Consul General Mr. Choi Kwang-Jin.

The committee explained their wish to strengthen relations with Korea and they thankd the Consulate for its work and activities in the Kurdistan Region.

They also discussed increasing inter-parliamentary diplomatic relations and the formation of a friendship group to exchange parliamentary legislative knowledge and experience.

Consul General Choi welcomed the committees’ suggestions and thanked them for their visit.

Social Affairs and Protection of Human Rights Committee

27 July – The committee, led by the chair Romeo Hakari (National Union Coalition), met with Heartland Alliance International NGO’s rights director Tavga Aziz. They discussed Heartland’s work in the area of protecting and strengthening human rights in Kurdistan Region and their surveys and assessment of the enforcement of some laws, such as the Law on Right of Access to Information, anti-human trafficking law, and the law on organ donation and transplants.

Both sides discussed how the committee could in the future work on Heartland Alliance’s recommendations coming out of their survey and assessment, to improve the application and implementation of those laws.

The committee chair Mr. Romeo Hakari said that it is important to align with international human rights norms in the areas that Heartland has highlighted, and he asked the committee to take advantage of Heartland’s experience and benefit from the recommendations that came out of their survey.

27 July – The committee, led by the chair Romeo Hakari (National Union Coalition), decided to work on a bill against torture in the next Parliamentary session after the summer recess, and to prepare a report on it.

The committee read all the notes and requests sent by the public and either replied to them or directed them to Parliament’s Presidency for further work.

Peshmerga Committee

27 July – The committee, led by the chair Reving Hiruri (KDP), discussed the Bill on Signs and Medals and decided to hold a joint meeting with the legislative and interior committees and relevant parties to hear their views on the bill.

The committee also decided to visit the Peshmerga bases and positions in Duhok governorate.

The committee read all the notes and requests sent by the public and either replied to them or directed them to Parliament’s Presidency for further work.

Endowments and Religious Affairs Committee

21 July – Members of the committee, led by the vice-chair Mala Ihsan Rekani (KDP), visited the main office of the Kurdistan Islamic Religious Scholars Union and were welcomed by the head Abdullah Mala Saeed, deputy head Mullah Jalal Mustafa Khailani, and several members of its executive and leadership office.

They discussed issues affecting religious scholars and the state of peaceful coexistence between different religions in the Kurdistan Region.

Both sides emphasized coordination on religious issues.

The Islamic Scholars Union thanked the Parliament committee for their continued support and hoped that their meetings would continue, to help religious teachers and improve spiritual life in the Kurdistan Region.

27 July - Members of the committee, led by the vice-chair Mala Ihsan Rekani (KDP), went to Akre to look into the state of religious affairs in the district. They also visited Parliament’s branch office in Akre.

In their meeting with the Mayor, Mazen Muhammad, they discussed the role and influence of clerics and religious scholars in Akre on religious life and patriotism, and they stressed the importance of peaceful coexistence between all religions.

The committee visited the Akre branch of the Kurdistan Islamic Religious Scholars Union and congratulated Mala Abdul Maeed Ahmad on his appointment as head of the Akre branch. They expressed their support for the work of religious teachers.

The MPs visited the endowments directorate and discussed the current situation in Kurdistan, the influential role of religious teachers and the importance of the Friday sermon in raising community awareness of important issues. They emphasizing protecting the sanctity of mosques.

The committee received several requests and proposals on how to improve the religious situation in the district, and the MPs pledged to work on the proposals.

The MPs also met with several clerics and religious figures in the district.