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Deputy Speaker Dr. Hemin Hawrami welcomes Iraqi Cardinal Patriarch Louis Sako

Kurdistan Parliament Deputy Speaker Dr. Hemin Hawrami on 25 July welcomed Patriarch Raphael I Louis Sako, Patriarch of the Chaldean Catholic Church in Babylon and Cardinal of Iraq, and his delegation.

In the meeting which was also attended by MP Janan Jabbar Boya (National Union Coalition), Deputy Speaker Hawrami and Patriarch Sako discussed relations between Kurdistan Region and Baghdad, the upcoming Iraqi general election, the importance of peaceful coexistence between all the ethnic and religious components of Kurdistan Region, the financial situation, the Coronavirus pandemic, and the steps towards writing the Kurdistan Constitution and within it the rights of all Kurdistan’s components, in particular Christians.

Dr. Hawrami emphasized the need for more protection of the rights of Kurdistan’s ethnic and religious components and said, “Christians are a strong and important component of Kurdistan Region and share the history of both joy and hardships of the people."

Deputy Speaker Hawrami explained the political and legislative efforts to draft the Kurdistan Constitution, and Kurdistan Parliament’s resolve that Kurdistan Region should have its own Constitution and that within it the rights of the ethnic and religious components be protected.

He said, “When the Constitution is being drafted, all the Kurdistani parties will have their representatives on the drafting committee and can put their demands to the committee.”

Patriarch Sako and his delegation said that they were glad to see the positive developments and progress made in Kurdistan Region, and hoped that other parts of Iraq can achieve the development, stability and peaceful coexistence that exists in Kurdistan Region.