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Deputy Speaker Hemin Hawrami’s message on Eid of Sacrifice

On the holy celebration of the Feast of the Sacrifice (Jezhni Qurban, Eid Al-Adha), I convey my best wishes to all Muslims around the world and especially to Muslims in Kurdistan, and I hope that this blessed Eid brings you great peace and joy.

My heartfelt best wishes to the proud families of martyrs and Anfal victims, the Peshmerga, security, police, all local and healthcare workers, and all those who are away from their families and relatives in the Eid holidays. I thank you all for your hard work and service to protect the public.

We celebrate this Feast of the Sacrifice at a time when we are experiencing another strong wave of the Coronavirus, and I ask you all to abide by the guidelines to protect yourselves and your loved ones.

Eid is a time for acceptance and forgiveness. I hope that all sides will act in this spirit, and that we will all put aside disagreements and join hands to better serve our nation and protect the constitutional status of the Kurdistan Region.

Dr. Hemin Hawrami

Deputy Speaker of Kurdistan Parliament

19 July 2021