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Deputy Speaker Hemin Hawrami welcomes new US Consul General Robert Palladino

Kurdistan Parliament Deputy Speaker Dr. Hemin Hawrami on 27 July welcomed Mr. Robert Palladino, the United States’ new Consul General in Kurdistan Region, and his colleagues.

Kurdistan Parliament Secretary Muna Kahveci and MP Bapira Kamala (Socialist Democratic Party) also participated in the meeting.

Deputy Speaker Hawrami congratulated Consul General Palladino on his posting in Kurdistan Region and wished him success. He said, "The Kurdistan Region and Kurdistan Parliament appreciate our historic partnership and friendship with the United States, and the United States’ support for the people of Kurdistan at many stages."

Deputy Speaker Hawrami and Consul General Palladino discussed Parliament’s current work, the political and financial situation, relations with Baghdad, protecting the rights of ethnic and religious components, regional developments and the ongoing threat from ISIS.

Dr. Hawrami gave an overview of Parliament’s parties, committees, structure and current priorities, including drafting the Kurdistan Constitution.

He added that in this current fifth term of Parliament, the level of scrutiny and number of questions directed to the Government have increased markedly compared to previous terms of Parliament, bringing greater transparency.

He pointed to the many sittings and committee meetings at which Government ministers and officials have been questioned by MPs, as well as the thousands of written questions that Parliament has put to the KRG.

Regarding the Kurdistan Constitution, the Deputy Speaker explained the steps taken by Kurdistan Parliament’s Presidency and the Presidency of Kurdistan Region to pave the way for its drafting, with the participation of Kurdistan’s political parties and ethnic and religious communities.

Dr. Hawrami called on the United States to continue to support the Peshmerga forces as well as the Peshmerga reform process.

Consul General Palladino thanked Deputy Speaker Hawrami for the warm welcome and also pointed to the historic partnership and friendship between the United States and the Kurdistan Region, and the shared desire to maintain and strengthen them.

The US Consul General said, “President Biden is fully aware of the historic US-Iraqi Kurdistan relationship and the history of the Kurds.”

He added, “For the United States, Kurdistan Region’s unity is important.”