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Kurdistan Parliament’s Martyrs Affairs Committee thanks Belgium Parliament’s Foreign Affairs Committee for recognition of genocide against Yazidis

Letter to Belgium’s House of Representatives’ Foreign Affairs Committee

The Kurdistan Region has been watching with high hopes the countries that are taking steps to recognize as genocide the crimes committed against the Yazidis by the terrorist organization ISIS.

We commend and appreciate your committee’s decision to recognize the crimes committed against the Yazidis as acts of genocide, which as well as showing your humanitarian stance, also shows the sympathy of the Belgian people for the survivors of these crimes and for the people of Kurdistan.

The Yazidis hope that the international community will take such steps as your committee has taken to pave the way for bringing to justice the perpetrators of these crimes in an international court, or through the establishment of a combined international and national court, to deliver at least some justice in this case, and to act as a deterrent to such crimes happening again against the Yazidis, the Kurdistani people or any peoples of the region.

The Yazidis also hope that such steps as your committee has taken will pave the way for reparations or compensation for the survivors and families of the victims and for reconstruction of their areas.

Martyrs, Genocide, and Political Prisoners Committee

Kurdistan Parliament

5 July 2021