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Speaker Dr. Rewaz Faiq welcomes Iraqi Cardinal Patriarch Louis Sako

Kurdistan Parliament Speaker Dr. Rewaz Faiq on 25 July welcomed HB Patriarch Raphael I Louis Sako, Patriarch of the Chaldean Catholic Church in Babylon and Cardinal of Iraq, and his delegation.

In the meeting which was also attended by MP Janan Jabbar Boya (National Union Coalition), Speaker Faiq and Patriarch Louis Sako discuss the current situation in Kurdistan Region, the peaceful coexistence between all ethnic and religious communities, and the steps in the drafting of the Kurdistan Constitution.

Speaker Faiq said, "This inter-communal peace has deep historical roots and is a good example of peaceful coexistence for the Middle East region and the world. In Kurdistan Region the rights of Kurdistan’s ethnic and religious communities are very much protected.”

On drafting the Constitution, the Speaker emphasized the need to protect and the denial of the rights of the original communities of Kurdistan region, and said, “The Kurdistan Parliament fully supports the protection of the rights of all the original ethnic and religious components in the Kurdistan Constitution, and in the drafting process all those communities will have their representatives in the drafting committee to convey their needs and demands.”

Dr. Faiq added, “Drafting the Constitution is an important process that requires national unity and acceptance by the ethnic and religious communities of Kurdistan Region," he said.

Patriarch Sako and his delegation appreciated Speaker Faiq’s views and they emphasized the need to deepen the culture of coexistence and reconciliation.

They discussed all the religious and ethnic components of Kurdistan Region and Iraq, and asked Speaker Faiq to consider their rights in drafting the Kurdistan Constitution.