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Speaker Dr. Rewaz Faiq welcomes new US Consul General Robert Palladino

Kurdistan Parliament Speaker Dr. Rewaz Faiq on 27 July welcomed the new US Consul General in Kurdistan Region, Mr. Robert Palladino.

Speaker Faiq congratulated Mr. Palladino on his new posting and wished him success.

The Parliament Speaker hoped for continued cooperation between the Kurdistan Parliament and the US Consulate General in Kurdistan Region.

Dr. Faiq said that the Kurdistan Region views its relations with the United States with great importance, and pointed to America’s effective role in supporting the stability of the Kurdistan Region and Iraq.

The Parliament Speaker and US Consul General Palladino discussed the upcoming Iraqi general elections and the challenges facing the election process, the overall situation in Iraq, and the threat of the reemergence of ISIS.

Speaker Faiq commended the US, as major strategic ally, for their support for the Peshmerga forces in the efforts to contain ISIS terrorist organization.

Consul General Palladino thanked Speaker Faiq for their meeting and said that he hopes to contribute to further developing the partnership between Kurdistan Region and the US.