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Committees' recent meetings - 10 June 2021

A summary of Kurdistan Parliament’s committees’ recent work and meetings:

Finance and Economic Affairs Committee

9 June - The committee, led by chair by Ziyad Jabbar (PUK), met with Dr. Vala Fareed, the minister of the Region for Parliament Affairs to discuss the Bill on Application of Law No. 71 of 2012, Iraq’s Stamp Duty Law.  The committee is scheduled to continue to discuss the bill until the preparation of a special final report on it ahead of its second reading.

Legislative Committee

9 June – The committee, led by the chair Bizhar Kochar (KDP), held their regular meeting. They evaluated from legal and constitutional perspectives the report by the Committee on Social Affairs and Protection of Human Rights on the first amendments to Law No. 22 of 2011, the Law on the Rights and Privileges of Persons with Disabilities and Special Needs in Kurdistan Region - Iraq.

The previous day, the committee had met and evaluated four articles of the bill.

After evaluating all the articles and paragraphs of the report, the committee decided to send it to the Presidency of Parliament so that the bill can be scheduled for its second reading.

Protection of Women’s Rights Committee with other committees

9 June – Several committees held a meeting to discuss and prepare their final joint report on the rise in violence and killings in Kurdistan Region, both violent crimes in general and specifically such crimes against women.

The issue was discussed at the Parliament sitting of 25 May 2021, in the presence of several KRG ministers and other relevant parties.

The MPs made their recommendations in the report, which will be submitted to Parliament’s Presidency to direct it to the KRG Council of Ministers for joint action.

Integrity Committee

6 June - The committee Chair, led by the chair Shirin Amin (Change), met with members of STOP NGO, which gave the MPs their third report on monitoring and evaluating the reform steps taken by the KRG institutions.

The meeting discussed delays to the reform steps, restoring public properties to the government and the issue of companies at the customs border crossings. They urged the committee to take the recommendations and the whole report into consideration.

The Committee Chair and MPs commended the efforts of the organization, which works to monitor and follow up on reform and corruption in various sectors. The committee also pledged that they would discuss the report and work on it at their upcoming meetings.